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About E - Learning Program

Professor George Vithoulkas' teachings are available to everyone with the internationally-acclaimed E-Learning Program in Classical Homeopathy

This Program is an academic, on-line program based on the highest educational standards according to the principles of Samuel Hahnemann M.D.

It is the only homeopathy course adopted as a Postgraduate Course by several medical universities from around the world.

You will benefit from Prof. George Vithoulkas’ 55 years of experience and knowledge collated from extensive analyses of cases he has treated, along with feedback from follow-ups, all observed by medical doctors and professional homeopaths. For those in the medical profession the Program introduces a deep understanding of diseases; for experienced homeopaths and other complementary practitioners, the Program will intensify knowledge and improve practice; for beginners the course offers all the necessary essential information to embark on their studies in the field of Classical Homeopathy.

Why Study With George Vithoulkas

  •  It’s the only homeopathy Program adopted by medical universities worldwide

  •  Prof. Vithoulkas’ new pioneering Levels of Health theory is incorporated. Understand dynamic processes during acute/chronic treatment

  •  Understand Prof. Vithoulkas’ Continuum of a unified theory of diseases

  •  Increase case-taking skills.

  •  Know how to properly analyse cases

  •  Acquire expertise in differential diagnoses of remedies

  •  Recognise choice of correct potency depending on Level of Health and long-term case-management

  •  Have the most complete and up-to-date Materia Medica - see how it’s successfully applied in practise

  •  Learn from an experienced teacher who’s supervised thousands of cases

  •  Observe Prof. Vithoulkas’ case-taking and understand homeopathy, in depth, from his analyses

  •  Connect with an international community of serious students to discuss ideas during and after training

Training modules
Our complete course on Classical Homeopathy, addressed to both beginners and experienced homeopaths.​


    Offering the necessary foundation and knowledge on homeopathic principles and practice


    Covering 150+ remedies and important keynotes


    Presenting the basics of Repertorization and general topics relating to Homeopathy


    Live and paper cases with in depth Analysis, long follow-up and prescribing strategies

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